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Archive for October 1, 2008

former teacher had sex with a 13-year-old student

OMAHA, Nebraska (AP) — A former teacher who fled to Mexico with a 13-year-old student so she could have sex with him was sentenced Monday to six years in federal prison.

Kelsey Peterson was sentenced to six years in federal prison for running off to Mexico with a student.

Kelsey Peterson, 26, had pleaded guilty in July to a charge of transporting a minor across state lines to have sex and avoided a similar charge that would have carried a mandatory 10-year minimum sentence.

She will be credited for nearly one year she has served and could get another year off for good behavior, said U.S. Attorney Joe Stecher.

The guilty plea doesn’t mean Peterson is off the hook on state charges, which include kidnapping and first-degree sexual assault. more

A teacher is out of a job after …

KISSIMMEE, Florida – An Osceola County teacher is out of a job after parents started complaining. They said she asked third grade students to give her massages. One mother told Eyewitness News the touching going in the Kissimmee Charter Academy classroom was highly inappropriate. In Donna Coulter’s third grade class, each student had a job. It could be cleaning the room, organizing books or taking out the trash, but one task really upset parents. “One of the jobs she was giving was to give her massages,” said parent Stacey Vazquez.more

Crowd jeers suicidal jumper to his death

UK – Jeering onlookers goaded a teenager in Britain to jump to his death, undermining police efforts to talk him down, and then took pictures of the body. Yesterday as 17-year-old Shaun Dykes prepared to jump from the top of a multi-storey carpark in Derby, northern England, spectators allegedly shouted to him: “How far can you bounce?”, the UK’s MailOnline reports. As Mr Dykes hesitated for three hours on the ledge while police unsuccessfully tried to reason him out of taking his life, teenagers who had gathered below shouted “Jump” and “Get on with it”, according to police and witnesses.more

Kids spread cheating methods on YouTube

‘‘Hi YouTube, it’s me, Kiki,’’ the teenager said to the camera as she swiveled in her chair to jazzy background music.
‘‘And today I’m going to show you how to cheat on a test – the effective way.’’
She demonstrates her technique, slipping a small piece of paper with the answers in a clear-tubed pen as she rationalizes her reasons for cheating.
‘‘I know it’s not a good thing to cheat,’’ she said. ‘‘It’s academic dishonesty, blah, blah, blah. But I think everyone has at least done it once.more

Oprah Winfrey’s mother says…

MILWAUKEE – Oprah Winfrey’s mother says she shouldn’t have to pay a nearly $156,000 debt to a high-end fashion store because store officials shouldn’t have extended credit to her. Valentina Inc. alleges that Vernita Lee of Milwaukee racked up $155,547 in purchases and interest as of July 1. The company sued, saying Lee fell behind in minimum monthly payments of $2,000. Lee filed a counterclaim Friday contending that Valentina took advantage of her “lack of knowledge, ability, and-or capacity” when creating her credit account.more

Da dum dum dum. da dum dum dum, da dum dum dum

Here comes the men, and it ain’t even raining…


That was a big mosquito…

I don’t see what the big deal is?

I mean my snout is pink, so whats the peoblem if they put alittle lipstick on…I’ll still look good!

Court denies GOP appeal on Ohio early voting

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The Ohio GOP suffered another legal defeat Tuesday, as a federal appeals court ruled against the party’s appeal involving a disputed early voting window that allows Ohio voters to register and cast a ballot on the same day.

A three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati denied the Ohio GOP’s request that, at the very least, ballots cast during the weeklong period be segregated from other ballots cast for the Nov. 4 presidential election.

A federal district judge in Columbus declined to rule on the matter Monday. The Ohio Supreme Court upheld the early voting window in a 4-3 decision the same day, while a federal judge in Cleveland also sided with Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner.

The appeals court noted that the lower district court did not rule on the matter of the voting window, and said the argument involves facts about how election officials handle absentee ballots that must first be presented to a lower court.

Bill Todd, a lead attorney for the Ohio GOP, said the party was discussing its options Tuesday night. It wasn’t known whether they planned to further appeal.

The appeals court also gave Brunner a second victory, rejecting a GOP challenge to her advisory that county boards of elections weren’t required to allow poll observers during early voting.

A federal judge in Columbus issued a temporary restraining order against Brunner’s instructions Monday. But the appeals court overturned that ruling, saying the district court had abused its discretion in granting the order.

Thousands of Ohioans went to the polls Tuesday for the first day of early voting. Ohio’s largest counties had several hundred voters each, and a small portion of them also registered Tuesday.
http://ap.google.com/article/ALe…U0W- JwD93HBGS80

Important court victory

Recently, the dems won an important court victory to stop repug vote suppression here….

Obama for America

Just hours ago, the Ohio Supreme Court and a federal judge in Cleveland issued two similar decisions, and they were loud and clear — the voters won.

In a cynical political ploy, the Ohio Republican Party filed suit to try to change a law that Republicans wrote and a Republican governor passed — a bill that established Ohio’s “One-Stop Early Voting” period, during which a new voter can register and vote at the same time from September 30 to October 6. One-Stop Early Voting occurred in Ohio without incident in 2006.

The Republicans were trying to keep new voices out of the political process. But their attempt at voter suppression was so brazen that the federal judge wrote in his decision, “Candidly, the underlying merits of issues are not even close,” and that the Republican position “would lead to illogical results, potentially disenfranchising large numbers of voters.”

Starting tomorrow you can vote early for Barack Obama and Joe Biden. And until next Monday you can register to vote.

To find your own early vote location, download a voter registration form, and be among the first to vote for change, visit our new web site, VoteForChange.com.

Again, One-Stop Early Voting, which lets people register and early vote all at once, starts tomorrow. We have just 7 days to register as many voters as possible.

This unprecedented voter registration and Early Vote effort will only be successful with you. We’re counting on Obama supporters like you to make it possible.

All across Ohio we have early vote and voter registration events taking place this week. Join us at one of our 79 Ohio offices and get involved in this week’s organizing:


In 2004, George W. Bush won our state by only 118,601 votes, or about 9 votes per precinct.

This year, Ohio is once again a crucial state. Every single registration and every single early vote could make the difference.

We can’t do it without you.

Thanks for all that you do,


Aaron Pickrell
Ohio State Director
Obama for America

Did you know that Florida state attorney is investigating…

A Florida state attorney is investigating thousands of potentially fraudulent voter registrations associated with the leading organizer of Florida’s Amendment 5 ballot initiative. But this is just the tip of an iceberg of illegalities, fraud and contradictions connected to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) … Former ACORN Miami-Dade field director Mac Stuart has declared an intent to sue ACORN and has made charges of rampant voter fraud operations. Stuart was employed and specifically tasked by ACORN to generate 103,000 new voter registrations from Dade County. He reports that ACORN threw out Republican registrations while paying for Democratic ones. Stuart also charges that ACORN targeted ex-cons and that he personally set up registration tables outside the Miami police department and Dade County jail.

Did you know that 28% Doctors not washing after seeing patients?

Canada – Just 28 per cent of doctors at 10 hospitals washed their hands between patients, Ontario’s auditor general says in a special report into deadly outbreaks of hospital superbugs like C. difficile. And that was an improvement from a starting rate of 18 per cent because it came at the end of a recent pilot project to encourage handwashing in efforts to cut infection and death rates. “The doctors were the lowest,” Auditor General James McCarter said yesterday, noting the handwashing rate for nurses rose to 60 per cent from 44. more

Did you know who’s birthday is today

Look who was Born today:

1974 Keith Duffy – singer (Boyzone)
1968 Kevin Griffin – singer (Better Than Ezra)
1950 Randy Quaid – actor
1947 Stephen Collins – actor
1945 Donny Hathaway – singer
1945 Rod Carew – baseball player
1944 Scott McKenzie – singer
1943 Herb Fame – singer (Peaches & Herb)
1936 Stella Stevens – actress
1935 Julie Andrews – actress, singer (Oscar® winner, 1964)
1933 Richard Harris – actor
1932 Albert Collins – blues guitarist
1928 George Peppard – actor
1927 Tom Bosley – actor
1926 Roger Williams – pianist
1924 William Rehnquist – US Supreme Court Chief Justice
1924 Jimmy Carter – 39th US president (1977-81)
1921 James Whitmore – actor
1920 Walter Matthau – actor (Oscar® winner, 1966)
1904 Vladimir Horowitz – pianist
1881 William Boeing – airplane manufacturer

On this day in time these were the headlines:

2004Seattle Mariners outfielder Ichiro Suzuki sets a new major league baseball hitting record of 259 hits in a single season. Suzuki tied, then broke, the 84-year-old former record of 257 hits during the game against the Texas Rangers at Safeco Field in Seattle.

2004The full-length animated feature Shark Tale opens in theaters.

2003The National Do-Not-Call list goes into effect, despite a US Circuit Court ruling that the FTC had no authority to manage the program.

2002Billionaire TV Guide publisher Walter Annenberg dies at age 94 in Philadelphia.

1971The Walt Disney World resort opens in Orlando, Florida.

1962Johnny Carson takes over as host of The Tonight Show on NBC-TV.

1961New York Yankees slugger Roger Maris hits his 61st home run of the season, setting a major league baseball record.

1952This is Your Life, hosted by Ralph Edwards, debuts on NBC-TV.

1949Mao Tse-Tung proclaims his country the People’s Republic of China.

1908Automaker Henry Ford debuts his Model T automobile to the buying public. 1903Boston hosts the first World Series baseball game.

1890Yosemite National Park is established.

1880Composer John Philip Sousa is named director of the US Marine Corps Band.

1800 A secret treaty with Spain gives Louisiana to France.

Police officer accused of kidnapping and rape while on duty

LAWRENCE, Massachusetts – A Lawrence police officer has been arrested for allegedly kidnapping and raping a woman while on duty and in uniform.Kevin Sledge, of Salem, N.H., was arrested after being stopped in Pelham, N.H., on Tuesday, shortly after authorities issued a warrant. Police had asked Sledge to turn himself in, but he went missing and family members told police he might be suicidal. more

School bus driver passed out behind the wheel of a loaded bus

DUI – School bus driver passed out behind the wheel of a loaded bus that was stopped in the middle of a road

LOUDON, Tennessee – Police in eastern Tennessee say they found a school bus driver passed out behind the wheel of a loaded bus that was stopped in the middle of a road.
None of the 30 children aboard were hurt Tuesday morning and the driver was charged with driving under the influence. Kwasny was taken to a hospital and then to jail, where she remained in custody. more

J.L. Chestnut died he was 77

J.L. Chestnut (1930September 30, 2008) was an author, attorney, and a figure in the U.S. Civil Rights Movement. He was the first African-American attorney in Selma, Alabama, and the author of the autobiographical book, Black in Selma, which chronicles the history of the civil rights struggle in Selma, including Bloody Sunday.
Chestnut was born in Selma, and attended law school at Howard University. He returned home to become Selma’s first and only black attorney, and represented civil rights demonstrators at trial there when the movement began in the 1960s.

Chestnut brought Sanders and his wife, Faya Rose Toure, both blacks who graduated from Harvard Law School, into his Selma law practice. It became active in civil rights case and defended blacks in major voter fraud prosecutions brought by the Justice Department in west Alabama in the 1980s.