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Archive for October 8, 2008

Did you know the Town Meeting?

Did you know the Town Meeting, Was a big exagerration?

The big exagerration of the night came from the debate organizers, who called the format a “town meeting.” Of the 21 questions asked during the 90-minute debate,
nine came from moderator Tom Brokaw,
eight from the live audience in the hall and
four from Internet users.

Did you know the defination of a A town meeting – It is a meeting where the population of an entire geographic area is invited to participate in a gathering, often for a political, administrative, or legislative purpose. Traditionally, a town meeting is a time when community members come together to legislate policy and budgets for their town. However, politicians in the United States have been using the term to represent a forum for voters to ask questions

John you are exaggerating your position…

John said, that he remembered the Lebanon issue , when he stood up to President Reagan, his hero, and said how they sent Marines in there, which he questioned how can we possibly benefit the affected situation, and said we shouldn’t.
John this is FALSE: This is an issue that came up in the first presidential debate, as well. And in both cases, John you exaggerated your position. Marines were already in Lebanon when you arrived on Capitol Hill in 1983, and your vote was to prevent invoking the War Powers Act to extend the Marines already deployed. McCain you did vote against that, and just like you did in the first debate, John you are wrong to imply that you opposed sending the Marines to Lebanon.

I would not announce an attack on Pakistan

John McCain charged that I like to talk loudly. In fact, he said I wanted to announce that I would attack Pakistan.”

That is FALSE: What I said” I would “attack Pakistan,” but he has said that if Pakistan was unwilling or unable to move in on Osama bin Laden, then I would.

Where does he get this stuff?

“Obama’s secret that you don’t know is that his tax increases will increase taxes on 50 percent of small business revenue.” I can not believe this guy, where does he get his information from?

My tax plan increase will affect “only a few percent of small businesses who make more than $250,000 a year. So, the vast majority of small businesses would get a tax cut under my plan.” TRUE…AND TRUE: Only 4.3 percent of the total U.S. businesses are small businesses that make more than $250,000 a year, according to tax data. It’s also possible that a majority of “small business revenue” comes from these firms. Obama is referring to the number of firms, McCain is referring to the concentration of revenue at the top end of the small business food chain. Both managed to make the facts work for their arguments.

Did you know these facts about google?

The facts about Google that you did not know!

1. Google receives daily search requests from all over the world, including Antarctica.
2. Google’s Home Page Has 63 Validation Errors. Don’t believe me?: Check Google Validation
3. The Google search engine receives about a billion search requests per day.
4. The infamous “I’m feeling lucky” button is nearly never used. However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort button.
5. Due to the sparseness of the homepage, in early user tests they noted people just sitting looking at the screen. After a minute of nothingness, the tester intervened and asked ‘Whats up?’ to which they replied “We are waiting for the rest of it”. To solve that particular problem the Google Copyright message was inserted to act as a crude end of page marker.
6. The name ‘Google’ was an accident. A spelling mistake made by the original founders who thought they were going for ‘Googol’.
7. Google has the largest network of translators in the world.
8. Employees are encouraged to use 20% of their time working on their own projects. Google News, Orkut are both examples of projects that grew from this working model.
9. Google consists of over 450,000 servers, racked up in clusters located in data centers around the world.
10. Google started in January, 1996 as a research project at Stanford University, by Ph.D. candidates Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were 24 years old and 23 years old respectively.
11. Google is a mathematical term 1 followed by one hundred zeroes. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasne.
12. Number of languages in which you can have the Google home page set up, including Urdu, Latin and Klingon: 88
13. Google translates billions of HTML web pages into a display format for WAP and i-mode phones and wireless handheld devices.
Credit: Andy


What is he talking about?

I just know he don’t think I am falling for the banana in the tail pipe? Never again!

Now listen…

I am the moderator and I am in control of this debate. Those lights over their mean you need to cut your speach off… So lets stay with the agreements, OKAY!

Did you know who’s birthday is today, Oct 8?