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Archive for October 13, 2008

Racism is not dead!

I find it odd that their are some people who aren’t offended by racism. Even through history , many they have witnessed years of oppression and segregations. An their answers are always the same, that was in the past so get over it…Their thoughts are they did not do it, so why blame them? These action have created fear and resentment in many races.

This political race as shown the true colors of racism, many whites have openly said that they can not or will not vote for a black man. What makes matters worse is that you have some blacks people who say the exact same thing, and they think its okay! The thought of a black man becoming president has created a fear within some. That fear is turning to hatred and some don’t mind showing their inner feelings of who they are!

Why if you are black and express a issue about a coment or concern that you are playing the race card? To hear conservative american speak, in their mind racism does not exist…

I beg to differ! Not to long ago many people were getting Lynched. Mississippi is not the only state burning, now its the hatred in many hearts and if they thought that they could get away with it, the unthinkable would now be told.

This story tells of a man who shot three times in a London street for wearing a Barack Obama T-shirt. Dube Egwuatu was buying a mobile telephone top-up card in an off-licence when the gunman confronted him and glared at the top, which carries an image of the Democrat US presidential candidate underneath the legend ‘Believe’.
The man then launched into a tirade of racist slurs, shouting ‘I f***ing hate n*****s’ and urging 36-year-old Mr Egwuatu to leave the shop with him.

Respect: Dube Egwuatu wearing the Obama T-shirt that provoked a racist attack
The man then left the shop but when Mr Egwuatu re-emerged, the attacker was waiting for him in broad daylight with a threatening-looking dog and holding a gun behind his back.
Realising what had sparked the increasingly violent assault, the terrified Mr Egwuatu zipped up his jacket to cover the image of Mr Obama and walked to his car.
But the shaven-headed man, who was white, followed Mr Egwuatu and after pulling open the passenger door pointed the gun at him.
After pleading with the man to leave him alone, the married former street warden put the keys in the ignition and turned the engine on.
The attacker then fired the gas-powered ball-bearing pistol three times, hitting the civil servant in the face, hand and shoulder.
Fearing for his life and bleeding heavily, Mr Egwuatu raced away in his car and found somewhere safe to call for help.
He was taken to hospital and later sent to have a piece of metal removed from his jaw.
Mr Egwuatu, a data analyst with Croydon Council, said: ‘The venom in his voice was frightening.
‘He was telling me that he was going to kill me. Need I say more?…

Did You know who’s birthday is today, October 13?

Ashanti – singer
1970 Tisha Campbell – actress
1969 Nancy Kerrigan – figure skater
1962 Jerry RiceNFL wide receiver
1962 Kelly Preston – actress, wife of actor John Travolta
1959 Marie Osmond – singer, TV hostess, sister of singer Donny Osmond
1952 Beverly Johnson – model
1950 Simon Nicol – guitarist, singer (Fairport Convention)
1948 Lacy J. Dalton – singer
1947 Sammy Hagar – singer (formerly of Van Halen, Montrose)
1946 Demond Wilson – actor (Sanford and Son)
1944 Robert Lamm – singer, keyboardist (Chicago)
1941 Paul Simon – singer, songwriter, guitarist (Simon and Garfunkel)
1939 Melinda Dillon – actress
1931 Eddie Mathews – baseball player, manager
1925 Margaret Thatcher – British Prime Minister
1925 Lenny Bruce – comedian
1924 Nipsey Russell – actor, comedian
1921 Lou Saban – football coach
1921 Yves Montand – actor
1917 Burr Tillstrom – puppeteer (Kukla, Fran and Ollie)
1915 Cornel Wilde – actor
1754 Molly Pitcher (Mary Ludwig) – heroine of the American Revolution

Did you know these trival facts?

The largest man-made lake in the U.S. is Lake Mead, created by Hoover Dam.
The poison arrow frogs of South and Central America are the most poisonous animals in the world.
A new born blue whale measures 20-26 feet (6.0 – 7.9 meters) long and weighs up to 6,614 pounds (3003 kg).
The first coast-to-coast telephone line was established in 1914.
The Virginia opossum has a gestation period of only 12-13 days.
The Stegosaurus dinosaur measured up to 30 feet (9.1 meters) long but had a brain the size of a walnut.
The largest meteorite crater in the world is in Winslow, Arizona. It is 4,150 feet across and 150 feet deep.
The human eye blinks an average of 4,200,000 times a year.
Skylab, the first American space station, fell to the earth in thousands of pieces in 1979. Thankfully most over the ocean.

It takes approximately 12 hours for food to entirely digest.