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Archive for October 29, 2008

Joe and jose the plumber

Early Democratic voters are outnumbering Republicans in key states

Democratic early voters outnumber Republicans in key states, according to incomplete election statistics, suggesting a surprising break from traditional trends.

Democrat Kenneth Brown of Clayton County, Georgia, waited for hours Tuesday to vote for Sen. Barack Obama.

Democrat Kenneth Brown of Clayton County, Georgia, waited for hours Tuesday to vote for Sen. Barack Obama.

Just a week before a historic Election Day, registered Democrats in North Carolina are out-voting Republicans by a nearly 2-to-1 margin, according to official election statistics.

The state is seen as a crucial battleground for Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama.

The turnout by Democrats also appears to be higher in at least two other battleground states, Colorado and Nevada, whose electoral votes could make the difference for either White House hopeful.

As of Tuesday, at least 9,813,052 ballots had been cast in 31 states that allow early, in-person or absentee voting without having to provide an excuse. The figures are based on reports from state election officials.

Of those votes, at least 1.2 million ballots have been cast by registered Democrats and at least 731,200 by registered Republicans.

As with early voting statistics in every state — these are not election results. Voters who are registered with a political party don't always vote for that party's candidates.

Despite the added pressure of long lines it is not stopping people from waiting to vote. I thought that it was a long wait of an hour to vote… Then I hear in Cogg County in Georgia people waited 12 hours to vote. I am thinking if their is a problem with voting shouldn't we try to fix it? There is no reason that anyone should be out to 1:00am in the morning voting…

Nature’s beauty

The vivid colors, and the jaw dropping scenes of nature just make you look and say wow. The captivating power of this group of photo placed together will leave you breathless.

Did you know who’s birthday is today, Oct 29

Did you know who was born today?

1971 Winona Ryder – actress

1970 Toby Smith – keyboardist (Jamiroquai)

1970 S.A. Martinez – DJ, vocals (311)

1965 Peter Timmins – rock drummer (Cowboy Junkies)

1961 Randy Jackson – singer (The Jackson Five)

1955 Kevin Dubrow – singer (Quiet Riot)

1948 Kate Jackson – actress

1947 Richard Dreyfuss – actor (OscarĀ® winner, 1977)

1946 Peter Green – guitarist (Fleetwood Mac, solo)

1945 Melba Moore – singer

1944 Denny Laine – guitarist, singer (The Moody Blues, Wings)

1942 Lee Clayton – country singer

1922 Neal Hefti – composer (Batman theme)

1899 Akim Tamiroff – actor

1891 Fanny Brice – actress

1795 John Keats – poet

Did you know these trival facts?

There are between 100,000,000,000 and 1,000,000,000,000 stars in a normal galaxy.

Sound travels about 4 times faster in water than in air.

Scientists have discovered that copper pollution of the atmosphere occurred about 2500 years ago. This was discovered by analyzing ice cores from Greenland. The pollution was attributed to the Romans who used copper for military purposes and to produce coins.

Hydrofluoric acid will dissolve glass.

In a full grown rye plant, the total length of roots may reach 380 miles (613 km).

In a full grown rye plant, the total length of fine root hairs may reach 6600 miles (10,645 km).

A large sunspot can last for about a week.

If you could throw a snowball fast enough, it would totally vaporize when it hit a brick wall.

Boron nitride (BN) is the second hardest substance known to man.

The female Tarantula Hawk wasp paralyzes a large spider with her sting. She then lays her eggs on the motionless body so that her developing young have a fresh supply of spider meat to feed on.

The word Nig**r is yelled at a Palin Rally

How can she act like she did not hear that? That lets me know she is okay with the N word and she does not mind the hate that comes out of it.

Vot how ever you like.

The message is clear.. You just have to vote to make a change.

Michael Salvage Endorses McCain

webassets/michaelsavage.jpgOn October 27, 2008 Michael Salvage endorsed John McCain for President. The rational that he used just does not make any sense to me… He does not like Obama because he is a Socialist, and he is determined to believe that picking Obama will be the demise of the economy. So is this a joke? The economy is pretty ruff now, why would he think that Obama would make it worse?. So Salvage rational for him picking McCain is? None, actually the only reason that he is picking McCain is because he does not want to see Obama win! Salvage says McCain has Socialist ways plus he is going to follow in Bush footsteps, how can you not like anything the man does then be willing to endorse him?

I would never believe that Salvage is Racist, but is picking a Black Obama really that bad? Salvage slams people that don't believe what he does. They are stupid for not being able to see what Obama is really about… Unfortunately these clowns Hannity, Limbaugh, and Salvage would rather have another Bush, than a change. They are not affected by the declining economy, as a matter of fact each one of these indivduals make multi millions a year. From what I have determined If you or anyone else is loosing their home, they are not going to shell out a dime to help you! They don't mind leading us into the arms of McCain, so while we are slaughtered like innocent sheep they will watch and say don't worry folks its going to get better soon…   I listen in disbelief that any of these bafoons does not want better for our United States.

The only thing that I can say is vote, and bring a friend to vote, because if we don't who will?