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Archive for November, 2008

Did you know this sex trivia?

Did you know that a man’s penis not only shrinks during cold weather but also from nonsexual excitement as when his favorite football team scores a touchdown?

Did you know that a women with a Ph.D. are twice more likely to be interested in a one-night stand than those only with a bachelor’s degree?

Did you know that besides one’s breasts and genitals, the inner nose is the only other body part that swells during sex?

Did you know that the male fetus is capable of attaining an erection during the last trimester?

Did you know that in ancient Greece, women would normally expose their vaginas to ward off storms at sea?

Did you know that everyday, 200 million couples around the world have sex, which is about over 2000 couples at any given moment?

Did you know that women are most likely to want to have sex when they are ovulating?

Did you know that sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world?

Did you know that 30% of women over the age of 80 still have sexual intercourse either with their spouse or boyfriends?

Did you know thatmosquitoes, which mate in the air perform a sex act that lasts only 2 seconds?

Did you know that fellatio ranks as the number one sexual act desired by heterosexual men?

Did you know that Australian women have sex on the first date more than women the same age in the USA and Canada?

Did you know that it’s illegal to have sex without a condom in Nevada?

Did you know that today, Japan leads the world in condom use. Like cosmetics, they’re sold door to door, by women?

Did you know that more Americans lose their virginity in June than in any other month (must be all those weddings and prom nights)?

Did you know that Wyoming’s Grand Tetons mountain range literally means “Big Tits”?

Did you know that in the original Grimm fairly tale of ‘Sleeping Beauty’, the Prince rapes her while she sleeps and then leaves before she wakes up? (Good thing that was rewritten!)

Did you know that the word ‘gymnasium’ comes from the Greek word gymnazein which means to exercise naked, which often was done in ancient Greece?

Did you know that white women and those women with a college degree, when asked said they were more receptive to anal sex than women without college educations?

Did you know that the word avocado comes from the Spanish word aguacate which is derived from the Aztec word ahuacati which means testicle?

Did you know that the original representation of Cupid by the Greeks was that of a beautiful young boy whose naked form was considered to be the embodiment of sexual love?

Did you know that the first condoms in the US were made from vulcanized rubber in the 1870s. They were expensive and annoyingly thick and meant to be reused?

Did you know that women who went to college are more likely to enjoy both the giving and receiving of oral sex than high school dropouts. (Amazing what one learns in college)?

Did you know that about 1% of the adult female population are able to achieve orgasm solely through breast stimulation?

Did you know that 14% of males said that they did not enjoy sex the first time?

Did you know that 60% of women say they did not enjoy sex their first time?

Did you know that the Romans would crush a first time rapist’s gonads between two stones?

Did you know that it’s illegal to have sex with a corpse anywhere in the United States? What??

Did you know that in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, it’s against the law to have sex with a truck driver in a toll booth? Okay…

Did you know that in Fairbanks, Alaska it’s illegal for moose to have sex on the city sidewalks. (I don’t know how this is enforced?)

Did you know that in Florida having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal? Yea right…

Did you know that according to a survey of sex shop owners, cherry is the most popular flavor of edible underwear?

Did you know that when Viagra became available, operators of Nevada brothels reported that business “shot up” about 20 percent?

Did you know that male bats have the highest rate of homosexuality of any mammal?

Did you know that up until 1884, a Victorian-era woman could be sent to prison for denying a husband sex? What happened to the law?

Did you know that the sperm of a mouse is longer than the sperm of an elephant?

Did you know that a “Dork’ is a whale’s penis. The whales, as you might have the world’s largest penises. The blue whale is the champ, due to his size, with a ten foot long member that is one foot in diameter?

Did you know that a seventy per cent of women would rather eat chocolate than have sex?

Did you know that the smallest erect penis on record was just 1cm long?

Did you know that about one per cent of women can orgasm solely through boob stimulation?

Did you know that the first public strip-tease dance was performed in 1894?

Did you know that a hybristophilia is the arousal derived by having sex with criminals?

Did you know that half of the men raised on farms have had a sexual encounter with an animal?

Did you know that research shows that 25% of men and 17% of women planned their first sexual encounter?

Did you know that the walrus has the largest penis of any land animal, measuring 24.5 inches when erect?

Did you know that Orgies were originally religious events, being offerings to the gods?

Did you know that “Not Able to Fornicate” was the name of a 19th-century northwestern American Indian chief?

Did you know that the words “naked” and “nude” are not the same thing. Naked implies unprotected. Nude means unclothed?

Did you know that over the same period of time, women who read romance novels tend to have twice as many lovers as those who don’t?

Did you know that according to the Kinsey Institute, masturbation is more common among white-collar workers than blue-collar workers?

Did you know that Dishabiliophobia is the fear of undressing in front of someone?

Did you know that on average, 20% of women who live with their boyfriends have another sex partner?

Did you know that the two leading causes of temporary impotence are prolonged cigarette smoking and tight pants.

Did you know that Acrotomophilia occurs when you have a sexual attraction to amputees?

Did you know that according to Penthouse magazine, more women complain about infrequent sex than men do?

Did you know that according to the Kama Sutra, a mixture of camel’s milk and honey will keep a man erect night and day?

Did you know that forty percent of women have said they had an orgasm while dreaming about sex. That number is 80% for men?

Did you know that according to a Kinsey survey, 75% of men ejaculate within three minutes pf penetration?

Did you know that the typical lovemaking session averages 15 minutes in length?

Did you know that according to Penthouse magazine, more women complain about infrequent sex than men do?

Did you know that males under the age of forty are typically able to achieve an erection in less than ten seconds?

Did you know that three out of a thousand men (0.3%) are well endowed enough to fellate (blow) themselves to orgasm?

Did you know that the French tickler was invented by a Tibetan monk?

Did you know that a typical orgasm lasts from three to ten seconds, with contractions occurring every 0.8 seconds for both men and women?

Did you know that Medomalacuphobia is the fear of losing an erection?

Did you know that There are five calories in a teaspoon of semen?

Did you know that According to Playboy, more women talk dirty during sex than men?

Did you know that Somebody actually timed a rattlesnake mating session that lasted 22.75 hours?

Did you know that According to recent surveys, the man is the most likely partner to be tied up during sex?

Did you know that Among primates, man has the largest and thickest penis?

Did you know that A study of pet owners found that 66% claimed they allowed their pets to remain in the bedroom during intercourse?

Did you know that women who are housewives are, as a whole, more faithful than working women?

Did you know that women say that the part of a man’s body that they admire the most is his buttocks?

Did you know that studies have shown that men become sexually aroused nearly every time they dream?

Did you know that studies show that, for some unknown reason, the higher the level of education, the more men tend to have wet dreams?

Did you know that Sperm banks keep their donor semen at approximately -321 degrees Fahrenheit. At that temperature, it could be kept indefinitely?

Did you know that Among transsexuals who choose sex-change operations, females who elect to become males are reportedly happier and better adjusted after the procedures than males who elect to become female?

Did you know that The most successful X-rated movie of all time is Deep Throat. It cost less than $50,000 to make it and has earned more than $100 million?

Did you know that While nudity was considered commonplace to the ancient Greeks, a man was considered indecent if he had an exposed erection?

Did you know that there’s actually a word for the fear of seeing, thinking about, or having an erect penis. It’s called ithyphallophobia?

Did you know that Oculolinctus is a fetish whereby people are sexually aroused by licking a partner’s eyeball. A word of caution if you want to try this: oral herpes can be transferred to the eye?

Did you know that At age seventy, 73% of men are still potent?

Did you know that The first “official” vasectomy was performed in 1893?

Did you know that Oneirogmophobia is the fear of wet dreams?

Did you know that The Roman emperor Nero used to dress up young boys in his dead wife’s clothes and make love to them?

Did you know that An agalmatophiliac is someone who has a fetish for statues or mannequins?

These people tend to have an uncontrollable desire to masturbate whenever they see a nude mannequin?

Did you know that It takes a sperm one hour to swim seven inches?

Did you know that A man’s testicles increase in size by 50% when he is aroused?

Did you know that Women who respond to sex surveys in magazines have had five times as many lovers as non-respondents?

Did you know that Black women are 50% more likely than white women to have an orgasm when they have sex?

Did you know that Micropenis is a rare disorder where the afflicted suffers from an unusually small penis, roughly .75 to one inch long…and that’s erect?

Did you know that an unobstructed penis is capable of shooting semen anywhere from 12 to 24 inches?

Did you know that it’s been said that Adolph Hitler was a coprophiliac, which means he had a fetish for women’s feces. He also had a thing for being urinated on by women?

Did you know that it’s been estimated that one out of every two hundred women is born with an extra nipple?

Did you know that the initial spurt of ejaculate travels at 28 miles per hour. By way of comparison, the world record for the 100 yard dash is 27.1 miles per hour?

Did you know that The left testicle usually hangs lower than the right for right-handed men. The opposite is true for lefties?

Did you know these Simon Cowell Facts?

Did you know that Simon Phillip Cowell was born 7 October 1959, Brighton, East Sussex, England?

Did you know that Cowell Nickname is Mr. Nasty, Judge Dread?

Did you know that his Height is 5′ 9″?

Did you know that his parents’ names are Julie Cowell and Eric Cowell?

Did you know that Cowell made his screen debut in 1990, on the UK TV series ‘Sale of the Century’, his prize for winning – Kitchen Utensils?

Did you know that following the success of the ‘Popstars’ TV series, Simon joined forces with Simon Fuller to produce a ‘talent’ show where the public decides who wins. This show became the TV phenomenon, ‘Pop Idol’?

Did you know that he first made a TV appearance on UK’s Pop Idol?

Did you know that America’s American Idol was a spin off from UK’s Pop Odol?

Did you know that Cowell dropped out of school at 16?

Did you know that he has 3 half-brothers, John, Michael and Tony, a half sister, June, a biological sister, Lindsay Elizabeth and a younger brother Nicholas Cowell who is now a millionaire property magnate?

Did you know that his first encounter with the entertainment business was in 1976 when he had gotten a job as a runner on the set of “Return of the Saint” when he was 17 years old?

Did you know that Simon started out in 1979 as a mail room clerk for EMI Music Publishing, where his father was an executive?
Did you know that Simon Cowell once wrote a check on the spot for $19,000 for a Barbados animal refuge, while vacationing on the island.?
Did you know that If he had the chance to invite six people, living or dead, to dinner, Simon Cowell would choose Bill Clinton (whose autobiography sits on his bookshelf), Natalie Wood and Frank Sinatra; then he’d tell Frank to pick the other three?
Did you know that Simon Cowell told Esquire that Christina Aguilera‘s “Beautiful” is one of the greatest pop records of all time?
Did you know that In London at Madame Tussauds wax museum, Simon Cowell’s likeness takes a step closer to reality by hurling insults at museum visitors: “That was extraordinary,” the figure says. “Unfortunately, extraordinarily bad?
Did you know that his sister’s husband is the cousin of pop star Robbie Williams?

Did you know that he has 2 nieces and a nephew, namely: Tanyette Chantel (born October 18, 1981), Melissa Lee (born July 10, 1984), and Joshua Aaron, (born April 15, 1986) all 3 of whom have appeared in the audience during various episodes of Pop Idol Season 1?

Did you know that his best friend is his London neighbor Jackie St Claire?
Did you know that during an auditioning, a female participant told Simon and the other judges that she quit her job at a hair salon so she can pursue her dreams on American Idol; when getting rejected, Simon had asked for the phone and called the owner of the participant workplace where the rejected contestant got her job back?
Did you know that Cowell being brutally honest has made him the person you love to hate?

Did you know that in 2007, Forbes Magazine estimated his U.S. earnings at $45 million for the year?

Did you know thatHis father Eric Cowell was a record company executive with EMI?
Did you know that His father died at home in 1999 of a massive heart attack on the very day that Simon got his first Number One with a then-unknown band called Westlife who his dad had predicted would become big?
Did you know that His band ‘Westlife’ has achieved an impressive 10 Number 1 hits alone? I guess his father was right!

Did you know that Simon made records, he also breaks them: over a ten year period, via his company ‘S Records’, he has achieved sales of over 25 million albums, over 70 top 30 records, and 17 Number 1 singles?

Did you know that Cowell is allergic to lambs’ wool so he prefers to buys expensive cashmere jumpers?

Did you know that he is Ranked #6 in the 2008 Telegraph’s list “the 100 most powerful people in British culture”?

Did you know that in 2007, he earned an estimated $72 million in income from his various projects. $45 million from American Idol, $15 million from Britain’s Got Talent and X Factor, and $12 million from his record label?

Did you know that During auditions for ‘The X Factor’, he made a bet with auditionee Paul Holt that he would pay him £50,000 if he got a #1 single. Holt was quickly signed by a record label – and backed by X Factor judge Sharon Osbourne – to release “50 Grand for Christmas” in December 2004, which only charted at #35 in the UK?
Did you know that he signs his then-girlfriend Sinitta and scores the smash hits “So Macho” and “Toyboy.”?
Did you know that he also releases the Power Rangers theme single?

Did you know that despite his successes, Simon has also turned down many bands that went on to find success elsewhere – most notably ‘The Spice Girls’ and ‘Take That’, simply because he thought Gary Barlow was too fat to be a star!?
Did you know that Simon has now become a celebrity in his own right, serving as a judge on both the UK and US version of the ‘Pop Idol’ show. He spends his time between the UK and America, and has set up his own production company, Syco TV, which co-produced the latest breed of talent show – ‘The X Factor’?

Did you know that in 2007, Simon was offered £1 million to become the face of Viagra. Feeling insulted by the offer, he turned it down?
Did you know that Simon is a vegetarian?
Did you know that Paula, Randy, and Ryan all have their own stars on the “Walk of Fame”,
Did you know that Simon is the only American Idol judge/host to not have a star?
Did you know that his western astrological sign is Libra and his chinese astrological sign is Pig?

Did you know that Simon was on Scary Movie 3 where he played a judge of a rap contest?
Did you know that in the DVD release of Shrek 2, Simon was featured as an animated character judging the movie characters in a show similar to American Idol?

Did you know that Simon maintains a lavish lifestyle with several houses in San Francisco, California and one in London, England?

Did you know that in 2006, Simon, as well as American Idol, were satirised in the film American Dreamz in which Hugh Grant played an essentially useless host and obnoxious judge of an American Idol-type show. In the same year, they were parodied in the Nickelodeon television episode “Fairy Idol” from The Fairly Odd Parents produced by Butch Hartman?

Did you know that after Simon was “Punk’d” by Ryan Seacrest and Randy Jackson on the season Five premiere, he became the seventh resident of a country outside of North America to get “Punk’d”?
Did you know that he can also be credited with the emergence of TV hits from the likes of cartoon puppets ‘Zig & Zag’, ‘The Teletubbies’ and ‘Robson & Jerome’?

Did you know that Simon cllaims he deserves to be paid more than Bruce Springsteen? I sell more records than Bruce Springsteen… If he got 100, I should have got 500.

Did you know that in the last five years, I’ve probably sold over 100 million records.By doing Idol I signed the biggest artist on the planet and it’s called Idol because every single Idol winner is now signed through Sony BMG?
Did you know that Simon Cowell’s paid a$1 million dollars for that car?

Did you know that his girlfriend is Terri Seymour end her realationship with Cowell in 2008?

I’ll do anything for a…

A woman was sitting at a bar enjoying an after-work cocktail with her girlfriends when an exceptionally tall, handsome, extremely sexy young man entered. He was so striking that the woman could not take her eyes away from him. The young man noticed her overly attentive stare & walked directly toward her. Before she could offer her apologies for being so rude for staring, the young man said to her, ‘I’ll do anything, absolutely anything, that you want me to do, no matter how kinky, for $100, on one condition.’ Flabbergasted, the woman asked what the condition was. The young man replied, ‘You have to tell me what you want me to do in just three words.’ The woman considered his proposition for a moment, withdrew from her purse and slowly counted out five $20 bills, which she pressed into the young man’s hand along with her address. She looked deeply into his eyes & slowly, meaningfully said, “Clean my house.”

Who is Matthew Abram Groening ?

Who is Matthew Abram Groening? The world knows him as the creator of The Simpsons, Futurama and Life in Hell. Groening was born February 15, 1954 in Portland, Oregon)[1]
He grew up in Portland, he is the middle child of five children. His mother, Margaret Wiggum,[5] was once a teacher, and his father, Homer Philip Groening, was a filmmaker, advertiser, writer and cartoonist.[6] Homer, born in Main Centre, Saskatchewan, Canada, grew up in a Mennonite, Plattdeutsch-speaking family.[7] Matt’s grandfather Abram Groening was a professor at Tabor College, a Mennonite Brethren liberal arts college in Hillsboro, Kansas before moving to Albany College (now known as Lewis and Clark College) in Oregon in 1930.[8]

From 1972[9] to 1977, Groening attended The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington,[10] a liberal school which he described as “a hippie college, with no grades or required classes, that drew every weirdo in the Northwest.”[11] He served as the editor of the campus newspaper, The Cooper Point Journal, for which he also wrote articles and drew cartoons. Later in 1977, at the age of 23, Groening moved to Los Angeles to become a writer. He went through what he described as “a series of lousy jobs,” including being an extra in the film When Everyday Was The Fourth of July,[15] bussing tables,[16] washing dishes at a nursing home, landscaping in a sewage treatment plant,[17] and chauffeuring and ghostwriting for a retired Western director.[18][19]

Groening described life in Los Angeles to his friends in the form of a self-published comic book entitled Life in Hell, which was loosely inspired by a chapter entitled “How to Go to Hell” in Walter Kaufmann’s book Critique of Religion and Philosophy.[20] Groening distributed the comic book in the book corner of Licorice Pizza, a record store in which he worked. He made his first professional cartoon sale to the avant-garde Wet magazine in 1978.[20] The strip, entitled “Forbidden Words,” appeared in the September/October issue of that year.[16][21]
Groening gained employment at the Los Angeles Reader, a newly formed alternative newspaper, delivering papers,[9] typesetting, editing and answering phones.[17] He showed his cartoons to the editor, James Vowell, who was impressed and eventually gave him a spot in the paper.[9] Life in Hell made its official debut as a comic strip in the Reader on April 25, 1980.[16][22]
Vowell also gave Groening his own weekly music column, “Sound Mix,” in 1982. However, the column would rarely actually be about music, as he would often write about his “various enthusiasms, obsessions, pet peeves and problems” instead.[11] In an effort to add more music to the column, he “just made stuff up,”[15] concocting and reviewing fictional bands and non-existent records. In the following week’s column, he would confess to fabricating everything in the previous column and swear that everything in the new column was true. Eventually, he was finally asked to give up the “music” column.[23]

Life in Hell became popular almost immediately.[24] In November 1984, Deborah Caplan, Groening’s then-girlfriend and co-worker at the Reader, offered to publish “Love is Hell”, a series of relationship-themed Life in Hell strips, in book form.[25] Released a month later, the book was an underground success, selling 22,000 copies in its first two printings. Work is Hell soon followed, also published by Caplan.[9] Soon afterward, Caplan and Groening left and put together the Life in Hell Co., which handled merchandising for Life in Hell.[16] Groening also started a syndicate, Acme Features Syndicate, which syndicated Life in Hell, Lynda Barry and John Callahan, but now only syndicates Life in Hell.[9] Life in Hell is still carried in 250 weekly newspapers and has been anthologized in a series of books, including School is Hell, Childhood is Hell, The Big Book of Hell and The Huge Book of Hell.[4] Groening has stated that he will “never give up the comic strip. It’s my foundation.”[26]

Life in Hell caught the attention of James L. Brooks. In 1985, Brooks contacted Groening with the proposition of working in animation for the FOX variety show The Tracey Ullman Show. Groening and Deborah Caplan married in 1986[17] and had two sons together, Homer (who goes by Will) and Abe,[38] both of whom Groening occasionally portrays as rabbits in Life in Hell. The couple divorced in 1999 after thirteen years of marriage.[18] Following this, Groening was in a six-year relationship with dating expert Lauren Frances.Groening identifies himself as agnostic[58] and a liberal[59] and has often made campaign contributions to Democratic Party candidates.[60] His first cousin, Laurie Monnes Anderson, is a member of the Oregon State Senate representing eastern Multnomah County.[61]

Originally, Brooks wanted Groening to adapt his Life in Hell characters for the show. Fearing the loss of ownership rights, Groening decided to create something new and came up with a cartoon family, the Simpsons and named the members after his own parents and sisters — while Bart was an anagram of the word brat. The shorts would be spun off into their own series: The Simpsons, which has since aired over 400 episodes in 19 seasons. In 1997, Groening got together with David X. Cohen and developed Futurama, an animated series about life in the year 3000, which premiered in 1999. After four years on the air, the show was cancelled by Fox in 2003, but Comedy Central commissioned 16 new episodes from 4 Direct-to-DVD Movies to be aired in 2008.

Groening has won 11 Primetime Emmy Awards, ten for The Simpsons and one for Futurama as well as a British Comedy Award for “outstanding contribution to comedy” in 2004. In 2002, he won the National Cartoonist Society Reuben Award for his work on Life in Hell.

Life in Hell caught the attention of Hollywood writerproducer and Gracie Films founder James L. Brooks, who had been shown the strip by fellow producer Polly Platt.[24][27] In 1985, Brooks contacted Groening with the proposition of working in animation on an undefined future project,[6] which would turn out to be developing a series of short animated skits, called “bumpers,” for the FOX variety show The Tracey Ullman Show. Originally, Brooks wanted Groening to adapt his Life in Hell characters for the show. Fearing the loss of ownership rights, Groening decided to create something new and came up with a cartoon family, the Simpsons.[28] He allegedly designed the five members of the family in only ten minutes.[29]
Groening storyboarded and scripted every short (now known as The Simpsons shorts), which were then animated by a team including David Silverman and Wes Archer, both of whom would later become directors on the series.[30] The shorts premiered on The Tracey Ullman show on April 19, 1987.

Although The Tracey Ullman Show was not a big hit,[24] the popularity of the shorts led to a half-hour spin-off in 1989. The series quickly became a worldwide phenomenon, to the surprise of many. Groening said: “Nobody thought The Simpsons was going to be a big hit. It sneaked up on everybody.”The Simpsons was co-developed by Groening, Brooks, and Sam Simon, a writer-producer with whom Brooks had worked on previous projects. Groening and Simon, however, did not get along[24] and were often in conflict over the show;[16] Groening once described their relationship as “very contentious.”[28] Simon eventually left the show in 1993 over creative differences.[31]

Although Groening has pitched a number of spin-offs from The Simpsons, those attempts have been unsuccessful. In 1994, Groening and other Simpsons producers pitched a live-action spin-off about Krusty the Clown (with Dan Castellaneta playing the lead role), but were unsuccessful in getting it off the ground.[19][32] Groening has also pitched “Young Homer” and a spin-off about the non-Simpsons citizens of Springfield.[33] In 1995, Groening got into a major disagreement with Brooks and other Simpsons producers over “A Star Is Burns“, a crossover episode with The Critic, an animated show also produced by Brooks and staffed with many former Simpsons crew members. Groening claimed that he feared viewers would “see it as nothing but a pathetic attempt to advertise The Critic at the expense of The Simpsons,” and was concerned about the possible implication that he had created or produced The Critic.[34] He requested his name be taken off the episode.[35]

Groening is credited with writing or co-writing the episodes “Some Enchanted Evening“, “The Telltale Head“, “Colonel Homer” and “22 Short Films About Springfield“, as well as The Simpsons Movie, released in 2007.[36] He has had several cameo appearances in the show, with a speaking role in the episode “My Big Fat Geek Wedding“. He currently serves at The Simpsons as an executive producer and creative consultant.

Did you know this Simpson Triva?

Did you know that the Simpson was created by Matt Groening?
Did you know that Matt co-wrote The Simpsons 1990 music videos, “Do The Bartman” and “Deep, Deep Trouble?”
Did you know that Groening and Deborah Caplan married in 1986 and had two sons together, Homer and Abe, both of whom Groening occasionally portrays as rabbits in Life in Hell. The couple divorced in 1999 after thirteen years of marriage?
Did you know that Matt’s traditional use of “J” as his characters’ middle initial is a tribute to Bullwinkle. J. Moose and Rocket. J. Squirrel?
Did you know that In 1990, Barbara Bush, First Lady of the US at the time, called The Simpsons “the dumbest thing she had ever seen”. Groening took revenge in 1996 with the episode “Two Bad Neighbors” (season 7, episode 13). George and Barbara Bush move next door to the Simpsons and George ended up getting beaten up by Homer due to Bart getting a light spanking for screwing up the Bush house?

Did you know that Matt explains that the Tracey Ullman versions of The Simpsons were drawn so crudely because he could not draw well and the animators only sketched over them?
Did you know that Groening used to write comics for Apple, the computer company?
Did you know that Matt was editor of the Evergreen High School newspaper?
Did you know that Bart Simpson’s name came from the word “brat”, which Matt described as himself in his earlier years. Both are left-handed as well?
Did you know that Groening’s top ten favorite episodes of The Simpsons are?
1. “Bart the Daredevil” (S2)
2. “Life on the Fast Lane” (S1)
5. “In Marge We Trust” (S8)
6. “Homer’s Enemy” (S8)
8. “Natural Born Kissers” (S9)
9. “Krusty Gets Busted” (S1)
Did you know that Matt received the National Cartoonist Society Reuben Award in 2003, and was nominated for the same award in 2000?
Did you know thatMatt’s favorite music album is Trout Mask Replica by Captain Beefheart?
Did you know that originally, Homer Simpson from The Simpsons had Matt’s initials in his head?
Did you know that Groening is left-handed?
Did you know thatMatt’s father, a descendant of Russian Mennonites, speaks Plautdietsch?
Did you know that Matt is a huge Godzilla fan?
Did you know that Matt has 2 sons; Homer Groening (born in 1991) and Abe Groening (born in 1993)?
Did you know that Matt has 2 sisters: Lisa Groening and Maggie Groening?
Did you know that his mother is named Margaret Groening?
Did you know that he’s son of Homer Groening, animator and producer of surf movies?
Did you know that Groening provided the voice for “Arturo” in the holiday movie Olive the Other Reindeer?
Did you know that Groening has won 11 Primetime Emmy Awards, ten for The Simpsons and one for Futurama as well as a British Comedy Award for “outstanding contribution to comedy” in 2004. In 2002, he won the National Cartoonist Society Reuben Award for his work on Life in Hell.
Did you know that the Simpsons Movie grossed a combined total of $74 million in its opening weekend in the United States, taking it to the top of the box office,[145] and set the record for highest grossing opening weekend for a film based on a television series, surpassing Mission Impossible II?
Did you know that the Simpsons Movie to date, the film has a worldwide gross of $526,622,545.[149]
Did you know that when the Simpsons first season DVD was released in 2001, it quickly became the best-selling television DVD in history, although it was later overtaken by the first season of Chappelle’s Show?[128]
Did you know that the popularity of The Simpsons has made it a billion-dollar merchandizing industry?
Did you know that the year 2007 marked the twentieth anniversary of The Simpsons franchise?
Did you know that with its twentieth season (2008–2009) currently airing, the series is equal with Gunsmoke as the longest-running American primetime, scripted television series. However, Gunsmoke’s episode count of 635 episodes far surpasses The Simpsons, which would not reach that mark until its approximate 29th season, under normal programming schedules?

Did you know that the Simpsons have been awarded a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame?

Did you know who Dominic Haakon Myrtvedt Purcell is?

Did you know Dominic Haakon Myrtvedt Purcell is Lincoln Burrows in Prison Break?

Did you know Purcell was born February 17 1970 in Wallasey, England?

Did you know that Purcell got his big break into mainstream stardom when he played the character of Dracula (who was named as “Drake”) in Blade: Trinity ?

Did you know that Dominic also holds an Irish passport by means of his ancestry?

Did you know that his middle name Haakon and his other surname Myrtvedt are both Norwegian.

Did you know that Purcell quit high school at Blaxland High, and was employed as a landscaper?

Did you know that in season 4, episode 12 of the series Prison Break, Purcell’s character is driving a truck about 29 minutes into the episode. During one shot, the camera angle reveals a tattoo on the inside of Purcell’s left forearm containing a matrix of numbers. The numbers appear to be the dates of his children’s birthdays.

The matrix reads:

Did you know that On 21 October 2007, Purcell and his wife Rebecca Williamson separated?

Did you know that he was a classmate of Hugh Jackman at the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts?

Did you know his four children names? Joseph (b.1999), Audrey (b.2001) and twins Lily-Rose and Augustus (b. July 7th 2003).

Did you know he did all of his stunts in the sword fight scene against Blade in Blade: Trinity (2004)?

Did you know his mother is Maureen (she’s Irish)?

Did you know he’s the oldest of five children? His sibling’s names are Damian Purcell, Jaime Pucell, Patrick Purcell and Marie-Therese Purcell?

Did you know he was the son-in-law of David Williamson?

Did you know while he was in Ireland at Christmas 2007 he and his brother saved the life of a 16 month old boy, who was choking, by slapping his back to dislodge an onion ring and then giving CPR until he started breathing again?

Did you know that Amaury Nolasco Garrido was studing to be…

Did you know that Amaury Nolasco Garrido is Fernando Sucre on the television series Prison Break?

Did you know that Amaury Nolasco Garrido was studying biology at the University of Puerto Rico on the road to becoming a doctor?

Did you know that Amaury Nolasco Garridoo was born in Puerto Rico on December 24, 1970?

Did you know that Amaury Nolasco Garrido had no intention of becoming an actor when he , but a casting director who recruited him into an appearance in a commercial changed his plans, and within a few gigs he was hooked?

Did you know that Amaury Height is 5′ 10½”?

Did you know that Amaury in 2004 was included in the prestigious list of the 26 guys to watch published by USA Today, alongside such talents as Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher, Josh Harnett and Jake Gyllenhaal?

Did you know that Amaury has appeared in 79 episodes of Prison Break?

Who is Amaury Nolasco Garrido

Who is Amaury Nolasco Garrido, you probably know him as Fernando Sucre on the television series Prison Break. Nolasco was born in Puerto Rico on December 24, 1970.

Puerto Rican born Amaury Nolasco had no intention of becoming an actor when he was studying biology at the University of Puerto Rico on the road to becoming a doctor, but a casting director who recruited him into an appearance in a commercial changed his plans, and within a few gigs he was hooked. He packed his bags and moved to New York, where he enrolled at the American-British-Dramatic-Arts School and began appearing on shows like CSI and ER.
Within a few years, Nolasco had built up a resumé that made him more viable for substantial movie roles. In 2003, he landed a small part in 2 Fast 2 Furious, and in 2004 he scored a role in the Bernie Maccomedy Mr. 3000. These big breaks were nothing, however, compared to the job he got in 2005 when he was cast as series regular Fernando Sucre on the hit series Prison Break. On the heels of this success, Nolasco nabbed a supporting role in the David Spade comedy The Benchwarmers, but much more impressive was the role he signed up for later that year, joining the cast of the hotly anticipated big-screen version of Transformers, slated for release in 2007.

Nolasco was a supporter of the presidential campaign of Barack Obama and made a guest appearance in Will.I.Am’s music video, “Yes We Can”.[1]

He has been romantically linked to former Miss Universe Dayanara Torres.
Nolasco has guest-starred in various television series such as Arli$$, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and ER. His first role on a feature film was as “Orange Julius” in Universal’s 2 Fast 2 Furious. He then went on to co-star opposite Bernie Mac in Mr. 3000.
Nolasco’s additional television and film credits include guest-starring roles on George Lopez, CSI: NY and The Benchwarmers. He also appeared on Mind of Mencia as a guest on Sunday, April 29, 2007. He also starred in the smash hit Transformers movie, released during the summer of 2007. His most high-profile role to date is FOX’s hit series Prison Break.

He has 3 ALMA Awards nominations :

2008 Nominated ALMA Award Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Television Series for: “Prison Break” (2005)

2006 Nominated ALMA Award Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Television Series
for: “Prison Break” (2005)

Teen Choice Awards

Year Result Award Category/Recipient(s)
2006 Nominated Teen Choice Award TV – Choice Sidekick
for: “Prison Break” (2005)

Jump to filmography as: Actor, Self
• In Production
• 2000s
• 1990s
1. Armored (2009/I) (completed) …. Palmer
2. “Prison Break” …. Fernando Sucre (73 episodes, 2005-2008)
… aka Prison Break: On the Run (Australia: second season title)
– Selfless (2008) TV episode …. Fernando Sucre
– Quiet Riot (2008) TV episode …. Fernando Sucre
– The Legend (2008) TV episode …. Fernando Sucre
– Greatness Achieved (2008) TV episode …. Fernando Sucre
– The Price (2008) TV episode …. Fernando Sucre
(68 more)
3. Max Payne (2008) …. Jack Lupino
4. Street Kings (2008) …. Detective Cosmo Santos
5. Transformers (2007) …. ACWO Jorge “Fig” Figueroa
… aka Transformers: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version)
6. The Benchwarmers (2006) …. Carlos
7. “CSI: NY” …. Ruben DeRosa (1 episode, 2005)
– The Closer (2005) TV episode …. Ruben DeRosa
8. “Eve” …. Adrian (1 episode, 2004)
– Love TKO (2004) TV episode …. Adrian
9. Mr 3000 (2004) …. Minadeo
10. The Librarians (2003) …. G-Man
… aka Strike Force (USA: DVD title)
11. 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) …. Orange Julius
… aka 2 Fast 2 Furious (Germany)
12. “George Lopez” …. Young Manny (1 episode, 2003)
– Long Time No See (2003) TV episode …. Young Manny
13. “ER” …. Ricky (1 episode, 2002)
– Dead Again (2002) TV episode …. Ricky
14. Final Breakdown (2002) …. Hector Arturo
… aka Truth Be Told (USA: video title)
… aka Turnaround (USA)
15. “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” …. Hector Delgado (1 episode, 2001)
… aka CSI: Las Vegas (South Africa: English title: informal alternative title) (USA: syndication title)
… aka C.S.I. (USA: short title)
… aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title)
… aka Experts, Les (Canada: French title)
– Slaves of Las Vegas (2001) TV episode …. Hector Delgado
16. “The Huntress” …. Flaco Rosario (1 episode, 2000)
– Bad Boys & Why We Love Them (2000) TV episode …. Flaco Rosario
17. Brother (2000) …. Victor
18. The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood (2000) (TV) …. Cypriano
19. “Early Edition” …. Pedro Mendoza (1 episode, 1999)
– Take Me Out to the Ballgame (1999) TV episode …. Pedro Mendoza
20. “Arli$$” …. Ivory Ortega (1 episode, 1999)
– The Stories You Don’t Hear About (1999) TV episode …. Ivory Ortega
21. Fall (1997) (uncredited) …. Waiter
1. “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” …. Himself – Guest (1 episode, 2008)
– Episode #6.140 (2008) TV episode …. Himself – Guest
2. Yes We Can (2008) (V) …. Himself
3. Our World (2007) (V) …. Himself
4. “Last Call with Carson Daly” …. Himself (1 episode, 2007)
– Episode dated 11 July 2007 (2007) TV episode …. Himself
5. “HBO First Look” …. Himself (1 episode, 2007)
– ‘Transformers’: Their War. Our World (2007) TV episode …. Himself
6. Making of ‘Prison Break’ (2006) (V) …. Fernando Sucre
7. 2 Fast 2 Furious: Driving School (2003) (V) …. Himself
8. Inside ‘2 Fast 2 Furious’ (2003) (V) …. Himself

NJ Cops

Two men were driving through New Jersey when they got pulled over by a NJ
cop. The cop walked up and tapped on the window with his nightstick.
The driver rolled down the window and WHACK,” the cop smacked him in the
head with his nightstick.

“What the hell was that for?” the driver asked.”You’re in New Jersey, son,” the cop answered. “When we pull you over in New Jersey, you better have your license ready by the time we get to your car.” “I’m sorry, officer, ” the driver said, “I’m from New York and didn’t know your laws here.” The cop runs a check on the guy’s license–he’s clean and gives the guy his license back.

The cop then walks around to the passenger side and taps on the window. The
passenger rolls down the window and “WHACK,” the cop smacks him on the head
with the nightstick. “What’d you do that for?” the passenger demands.
“Just making your wish come true,” rep lied the cop. “Making WHAT wish come true?” the passenger asked. “Because I know you New Yorkers,” the cop says, “two miles down the road; you’re gonna turn to your buddy and say…..” I wish that asshole would’ve
tried that shit with me!”


A businessman met a beautiful girl and agreed to spend the afternoon
with her for $500. They did their thing, and, before he left, he told
her that he did not have any cash with him, but he would have his
secretary write a cheque and mail it to her, calling the payment

On the way to the office, he regretted what he had done, realizing
that the whole event had not been worth the price. So he had his
secretary send a cheque for $250 and enclose the following typed note:
“Dear Madam: Enclosed find a cheque for $250 for rent of your
apartment. I am not sending the amount agreed upon, because when I
rented the place, I was under the impression that:

#1 – it had never been occupied;
#2 – there was plenty of heat; and
#3 – it was small enough to make me feel cosy and at home.

However, I found out that it had been previously occupied, that there
wasn’t any heat, and that it was entirely too large.” Upon receipt of the note, the girl immediately returned the cheque for $250 with the following note:

“Dear Sir:
First, I cannot understand how you could expect a beautiful apartment to remain unoccupied indefinitely. As for the heat, there is plenty of it, if you know how
to turn it on. Regarding the space, the apartment is indeed of regular size,
but if you don’t have enough furniture to fill it, please do not blame
the management. Please send the rent in full or we will be forced to contact your present landlady.




A hillbilly farmer who wanted to get a divorce paid a visit to a lawyer. The
lawyer said, ‘How can I help you?’ The farmer said, ‘I want to get one of
them dayvorces.’

The lawyer said, ‘Do you have any grounds?’ The farmer said, ‘Yes, I got 40
acres’ The lawyer said, ‘No, No, you don’t understand, Do you have a suit?

The farmer said, ‘Yes, I got a suit, I wears it to church on Sundays.’ The
lawyer said, ‘No, no, I mean, do you have a case?’ The farmer said, ‘No, I
ain’t got a Case, but I got a John Deere.

The lawyer said, ‘No, I mean, do you have a grudge?’ The farmer said,’Yes, I
got a grudge, that’s where I parks the John Deere’

The lawyer said, ‘Does your wife beat you up or something?’ The farmer said,
‘No, we both get up at 4:30.’

By now the lawyer is getting frustrated but tries one last question .The
lawyer said, ‘Is your wife a nagger?’ The farmer said, ‘No, she’s a little
white gal, but our last child was a nagger and that’s why I wants a

The beautiful picture..

When ever I see snow I think of christmas. Although my days of waiting to see Saint Nicholas have long passed. The memories of seeing the snow will stay with me until the day die…

Now thats some hot breath…

Ho, Ho, Ho

20-year-old sentenced to four years in prison for sexually assaulting

CLEARWATER – A 20-year-old Titusville man was sentenced to four years in prison today for sexually assaulting his grandparents’ Yorkshire terrier.

Nicholas Densmore pleaded no contest to one count of animal cruelty in October.

On July 30, 2007, Densmore was staying with his grandparents at 4243 Dartmouth Ave. N., St. Petersburg, when his grandmother saw him in a motor home at the back of the residence, according to a police report.

Once he saw her through a window approaching the motor home, she saw him pick up her Yorkshire terrier, Dutches, by the scruff of the neck and flee, the report states. The dog was found whimpering in a trash bin, the report states.

DNA analysis of towels found with the dog showed traces of the dog’s blood and Densmore’s semen, Pinellas-Pasco Assistant State Attorney Patricia Manteiga told Pinellas Circuit Judge Nancy Moate Ley. A veterinary exam showed the anal area of the dog was torn, the report states.

The state attorney’s office requested a five-year prison sentence, the maximum penalty. Ley said that levying the maximum penalty would preclude ordering Densmore to undergo psychological evaluation upon his release.

The four-year sentence she meted out will precede a year of probation during which Densmore will be psychologically evaluated and treated. He also has been ordered to undergo a 12-week anger management course.

Densmore’s family — including his 76-year-old grandmother Claudette, who told authorities she caught him in the act – told the judge they did not want him to be sentenced to prison. They wanted him to remain at his grandparents’ house so they could ensure he takes prescribed medications.more

7 childern and 30 years of rape/incest

30 years of years of incestuous abuse, the 56-year-old father was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison with the possibility of parole in about 20 years after pleading guilty last month to rape and assault.

The point that he violated his children for such a long period of times goes beyond all belief! Some where in this picture where is the family? No one could see that the children looked like grand dad, and red flags should have popped up? Why when the children went to school with bruises, did no one report this incident?

The sentence of life was not enough… He should have been castrated first and then given the electric chair!

At no point in time should any man get away with violating his children.

It sad that the children have been jaded my the fathers sleazy lust to have sex with his children. I can not imagine the hurt and pain that they have endured over the years with physical and mental abuse!

Unfortunately these women and their children lives have been ruined!Lets just hope that the cycle of abuse ends with the last generation!

Father sentenced for rapping daughter for 30 years!

After 30 years of silence this year, the 56-year-old father was sentenced Tuesday to life in prison with the possibility of parole in about 20 years after pleading guilty last month to rape and assault. , During years of incestuous abuse, the man fathered nine children from his two daughters.
The case carries echoes of the case of Josef Fritzl — an Austrian man who confessed to imprisoning his daughter in a cellar for 24 years and fathering her seven children.
Prosecutor Nicholas Campbell said the daughters were raped regularly from an early age. If they resisted, they would be punched, kicked or held to the flames of a gas fire.
The father refused to let the girls take birth control pills. The father even held a knife to his eldest daughter’s throat and told her: “It’s never going to end.”
The father made his elder daughter pregnant seven times, fathering two children by her. She bore two other children but they died the day they were born. He made his younger daughter pregnant 12 times; Campbell said she has five surviving children. more

Did you know that Human Trafficking is another form of…

Did you know that human trafficking is the recruitment, transportation, harboring, or receipt of people for the purposes of slavery, forced labor (including bonded labor or debt bondage) and servitude?

Did you know that the Council of Europe states that “people trafficking have reached epidemic proportions over the past decade, with a global annual market of about $42.5 billion?”

Did you know that the total annual revenue for trafficking in persons is estimated to be between $5 billion and $9 billion?

Did you know that more than half of victims trafficked into United States are children?

Did you know that approximately 27 million people held in slavery worldwide?

Did you know that human trafficking is a modern day form of slavery?

Did you know that human trafficking is a serious problem in the United States and throughout the world?

Did you know that each year, an estimated 600,000-800,000 men, women, and children are trafficked against their will across international borders, and 14,500-17,500 of whom are trafficked into the United States?

Did you know that approximately 80 percent of trafficking victims are female, and 70 percent of those female victims are trafficked for the commercial sex industry?

Did you know that Trafficking victims typically are recruited using coercion, deception, fraud, the abuse of power, or outright abduction? Threats, violence, and economic leverage such as debt bondage can often make victim consent to exploitation?

Did you know that the highest areas of human trafficking are areas, like Russia, Eastern Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, and Colombia?

Did you know that a majority of trafficking is done by networks of smaller groups that each specialize in a certain area, like recruitment, transportation, advertising, or retail?

Did you know that Human trafficing is very profitable because little startup capital is needed, and prosecution is relatively rare?

Did you know that the anti-trafficking organization found that less than half of people in slavery in the United States, 46% are forced into prostitution? Domestic servitude claims 27%, agriculture 10%, and other occupations? 17%

Did you know that 2.5 million people across the world are estimated to be victims of human trafficking?

Did you know that after drug dealing, human trafficking is tied with the illegal arms trade as the second largest criminal industry in the world, and it is the fastest growing?

Did you know that Human trafficking can be more profitable than drug trafficking. Narcotics, you sell once, a girl, you can sell 500 times?”

Did you know that Russia has trafficked many women have overseas for the purpose of sexual exploitation; Russian women are in prostitution in over 50 countries?

Did you know since 2001, the Bush Administration has provided more than $295 million to support anti-trafficking programs in more than 120 countries?

Did you know that the present rate of trafficking in children is already 10 times higher than the trans-Atlantic slave trade at its peak?

Did you know there is a victim of trafficking in the world every sixty seconds?

Did you know that human trafficking will surpass drug dealing and arms trading?

Did you know that every 10 minutes, a woman or child is trafficked into the United States?

Did you know that Nearly every country is involved in the web of trafficking activities?

Did you know that Sexual exploitation is the predominate form of trafficking?

Did you know that 80% of the victims are female?

Did you know that their is a website http://www.humantrafficking.org/ that helps fight against Human trafficking?

Suspected Somali pirates

Eight suspected Somali pirates sit at a police station in Mombasa, Kenya, on Nov. 18, after being handed over by the British Royal Navy. Officials say they tried to hijack a cargo ship off the Horn of Africa.

Psalm 55:22 — you really need to read this.

‘Friends are God’s way of taking care of us.’
This was written by a Metro Denver Hospice Physician:

I was driving home from a meeting this evening about 5 pm, stuck in traffic on Colorado Blvd., and the car started to choke,sputter and die – I barely managed to coast into a gas station, glad only that I would not be blocking traffic and have a somewhat warm spot to wait for the tow truck. It wouldn’t even turn over.

Before I could make the call, I saw a woman walking out of the ‘quickie mart’ building, and it looked like she slipped on some ice and fell into a Gas pump, so I got out to see if she was okay.

When I got there, it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had fallen; she was a young woman who looked really haggard with dark circles under her eyes. She dropped something as I helped her up, and I picked it up to give it to her. It was a nickel.

At that moment, everything came into focus for me: the crying woman, the ancient Suburban crammed full of stuff with 3 kids in the back (1 in a car seat), and the gas pump reading $4.95.

I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help, and she just kept saying ‘I don’t want my kids to see me crying,’ so we stood on the other side of the pump from her car. She said she was driving to California and that things were very hard for her right now. So I asked, ‘And you were praying?’ That made her back away from me a little, but I assured her I was not a crazy person and said, ‘He heard you, and He sent me.’

I took out my card and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could fill up her car completely, and while it was fuelling, walked to the next door McDonald’s and bought 2 big bags of food, some gift certificates for more, and a big cup of coffee.

She gave the food to the kids in the car, who attacked it like wolves, and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little.

She told me her name, and that she lived in Kansas City Her boyfriend left 2 months a go and she had not been able to make ends meet. She knew she wouldn’t have money to pay rent Jan 1, and finally, in desperation, had called her parents, with whom she had not spoken in about 5 years. They lived in California and said she could come live with them and try to get on her feet there.

So she packed up everything she owned and put it in the car. She told the kids they were going to California to see their grandparents for Christmas, but not that they were going to live there.

I gave her my gloves, a little hug and said a quick prayer with her for safety on the road. As I was walking over to my car, she said, ‘So, are you like an angel or something?’

This definitely made me cry. I said, ‘Sweetie, at this time of year angels are really busy, so sometimes God uses regular people.’

It was so incredible to be a part of someone else’s miracle. And of course, you guessed it, when I got in my car it started right away and got me home with no problem. I’ll put it in the shop tomorrow to check, but I suspect the mechanic won’t find anything wrong.

Sometimes the angels fly close enough to you that you can hear the flutter of their wings…

Psalms 55:22 ‘Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.’

A little boy goes to his dad and asks, ‘What is Politics ?’

Dad says, ‘Well son, let me try to explain it this way:

I am the head of the family , so call me The President .

Your mother is the administrator of the money, so we call her the Government .

We are here to take care of your needs, so we will call you the People .

The nanny, we will consider her the Working Class .

And your baby brother, we will call him the Future .

Now think about that and see if it makes sense.’

So the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said.

Later that night, he hears his baby brother crying, so he gets up to check on him.

He finds that the baby has severely soiled his diaper.

So the little boy goes to his parent’s room and finds his mother asleep.
Not wanting to wake her, he goes to the nanny’s room. Finding the door locked, he peeks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny.
He gives up and goes back to bed.

The next morning, the little boy says to his father, ‘Dad, I think I understand the concept of politics now.’

The father says, ‘Good, son, tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about.’

The little boy replies, ‘The President is screwing the Working Class while the Government is sound asleep. The People are being ignored and the Future is in deep shit .

Charges filed for over $67,000 in child support

The Jackson County District Attorney’s Office filed more charges last week against two men who reportedly owe over $67,000 in child support and interest. One man owes money to two different women.

Brian K. Gulbronson, 37, Black River Falls, faces 16 failure to support charges in two separate cases while Darrell J. Towne, 38, Holmen, was charged with six similar offenses.

According to the criminal complaints, Gulbronson owes $40,372 in child support and $20,365 in interest as of Sept. 30. In one case, Gulbronson was to pay $84 a week beginning in July 2002, and his last payment of $165 was last March. In another case, he was supposed to pay $71 a week beginning July 2002, and his last payment of $135 was last March.

According to the complaints, Gulbronson has been found in contempt of court on at least two occasions. He last served 60 days in jail this summer but has not been in contact with the child support agency since his release. more

Delinquent support pay earns man prison time

COLUMBUS — A 44-year-old Columbus man who “pathetically failed” in his last chance to catch up on a stack of unpaid child support bills was sentenced to 18 months to four years in prison in Platte County District Court.

District Judge Robert Steinke told Richard Delancey Wednesday he had “pathetically failed to comply with the terms of his probation” while sentencing the defendant to prison for his summer 2007 convictions on four counts of criminal nonsupport.

Steinke on Wednesday revoked the four-year probation sentence he imposed last summer against Delancey in what the judge at the time promised would be the defendant’s last chance to avoid a prison cell.

“While you don’t take the terms of your probation seriously, I do,’’ Steinke told Delancey, standing before him in front of the bench. “I gave you the opportunity to change your life … it simply has not worked. The court is without any option. You have to be held accountable.”

Criminal nonsupport is a Class IV felony, punishable by a maximum of five years imprisonment, $10,000 fine or both and no minimum sentence. more