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Did you know that two weeks before Christmas is a popular time for breakups?

Breakup FactsDid you know that the Germans made the first artificial Christmas trees out of dyed goose feathers?

Did you know that each year more than 3 billion Christmas cards are sent in the U.S. alone?

Did you know that two weeks before Christmas is a popular time for breakups?

Did you know that Christmas Day is the least favorite day for breakups?

Did you know that in A.D. 350, Pope Julius I, bishop of Rome, proclaimed December 25 the official celebration date for the birthday of Christ?

Guinness world records, the tallest Christmas tree

Did you know that according
to the Guinness world records, the tallest Christmas tree ever cut was a
221-foot Douglas fir that was displayed in 1950 at the Northgate
Shopping Center in Seattle, Washington

Did you know that that the
traditional three colors of Christmas are green, red, and gold?

Did you know that Green
has long been a symbol of life and rebirth; red symbolizes the blood of
Christ, and gold represents light as well as wealth and royalty?

Did you know that contrary to popular belief, suicide rates during the Christmas holiday are low, but are highest during the spring?

Did you know that the
world’s largest Christmas stocking measured 106 feet and 9 inches
(32.56 m) long and 49 feet and 1 inch (14.97 m) wide?

Did you know that it weighed as much
as five reindeer and held almost 1,000 presents, and it was made by the
Children’s Society in London on December 14, 2007?

Did you know that Christmas trees have been sold in the U.S. since 1850?

Did you know that Christmas trees usually grow for about 15 years before they are sold?

Santa Claus Facts

Did you know that each
year there are approximately 20,000 “rent-a-Santas” across the United
States. “Rent-a-Santas” usually undergo seasonal training on how to
maintain a jolly attitude under pressure from the public?

Did you know that “Rent-a-Santas”
receive practical advice, such as not accepting money from parents while
children are looking and avoiding garlic, onions, or beans for lunch?

    Mistletoe Facts

    Did you know that Alabama was the first state in the United States to officially recognize Christmas in 1836?

    Did you know that Christmas wasn’t declared an official holiday in the United States until June 26, 1870?

    Did you know that Oklahoma was the last U.S. state to declare Christmas a legal holiday, in 1907?

    Did you know that Mistletoe is from the Anglo-Saxon word misteltan, which means “little dung twig” because the plant spreads though bird droppings?

      Did you know that the
      Viking god Odin is one precursor to the modern Santa Claus?

      Did you know that according
      to myth, Odin rode his flying horse, Sleipnir (a precursor to Santa’s
      reindeer), who had eight legs?

      Odin Facts
      Sleipnir had eight legs?

      Did you know that in the winter, Odin gave out both gifts
      and punishments, and children would fill their boots or stockings with
      treats for Sleipnir?

      There are two
      competing claims as to which president was the first to place a
      Christmas tree in the White House. Some scholars say President Franklin
      Pierce did in 1856; others say President Benjamin Harrison brought in
      the first tree in 1889.

      Did you know that President Coolidge started the White House
      lighting ceremony in 1923?

      President Teddy Roosevelt, an environmentalist, banned Christmas trees from the White House in 1901

      Did you know that it
      is estimated that the single “White Christmas” by Irving Berlin is the
      best selling single of all time, with over 100 million sales worldwide?

      Did you know that there
      are approximately 21,000 Christmas tree farms in the United States, In
      2008, nearly 45 million Christmas trees were planted, adding to the
      existing 400 million trees?

      Did you know that the first printed reference to a Christmas tree was in 1531 in Germany?

      Christmas Shopping FactsDid you know that approximately 30-35 million real (living) Christmas trees are sold each year in the U.S.?

      Did you know that In 1962, the first Christmas postage stamp was issued in the United States?

      Did you know that the
      earliest known Christmas tree decorations were apples?

      by Sir Henry Cole (1808-1883), British illustrator John Callcott
      Horsley (1817-1903) invented the first Christmas card in 1843

      Did you know that Christmas shopping makes up 1/6 of U.S. retail sales in the U.S?

      Did you know that during the Christmas season, nearly 28 sets of LEGO are sold every second?

      Did you know that many
      of the most popular Christmas songs, such as “White Christmas,” “Winter
      Wonderland,” “Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire),”
      “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer,” and “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” were
      written or co-written by Jews?

       Now if you didn’t know, now you know…

      To see more did you know that trivia click here

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